Monday, December 30, 2019

Texas A&M Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA

Texas AMs main campus in College Station is a large, selective public university with a 67 percent acceptance rate. Dont let that relatively high number create a sense of false security: as the data below reveals, nearly all admitted students have grades and standardized test scores that are above average. Why Texas A&M? Location: College station, TexasCampus Features: Texas AMs massive 5,200-acre campus includes an 18-hole golf course, polo fields, and Kyle Field, the football stadium that seats over 102,000 fans.Student/Faculty Ratio: 21:1Athletics: The Texas AM Aggies compete in the NCAA Division I Southeastern Conference (SEC).Highlights: Undergraduates can choose from 128 degree programs spread across the universitys 19 schools and colleges. Programs in business, agriculture, and the biological and health sciences are particularly popular. Acceptance Rate For students entering Texas AM in the 2018-19 academic year, the university had a 67% acceptance rate. This means that for every 100 applicants, 67 were admitted and 33 received rejection letters. The admissions process is selective, and below average students will have a difficult time being admitted. Admissions Statistics (2018-19) Number of Applicants 36,423 Percent Admitted 67.2% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled 45.4% SAT Scores and Requirements Texas AMs main campus in College Station requires all students to submit either SAT scores or ACT scores, although students with very high grades and class rank may be able to get the test requirement waived. The SAT is more popular than the ACT—for students entering in the 2018-19 academic year, 61% of applicants submitted SAT scores. Texas A&M SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 580 680 Math 590 700 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing When we compare these scores to national SAT data from the College Board, we can see that the great majority of students who attend Texas AM rank among the top third of all test-takers. For the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing exam, 50% of students scored between 580 and 680. The bottom 25% of students scored a 580 or lower, while the top 25% scored a 680 or higher. Scores on the Math exam are slightly higher. The middle 50% of students scored between a 590 and 700. This means that 25% of admitted students scored a 590 or lower, while the top quartile scored a 700 or higher. Students with a combined SAT score of 1380 or higher will be particularly competitive at Texas AM. That said, if you compare SAT scores for top Texas colleges and universities, youll see that there are many schools that are more selective than Texas AM. Requirements Texas AM does not require SAT Subject Tests, but the test are sometimes used for course placement. The university does require students to take the SAT with Essay although the essay score does not play much of a role in the admissions process other than as a validity check for the application essay. SAT scores must be no more than five years old, and the university does not super-score the SAT. The school will use your highest score from a single test date. ACT Scores and Requirements All student applying to Texas AM must submit either SAT or ACT scores, and the ACT is less popular than the SAT. 39% of students entering in the 2018-19 academic year submitted ACT scores. Texas A&M ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 24 32 Math 24 30 Composite 25 31 An average ACT score is a 21, so you can see that nearly all Texas AM students have above-average scores. As national ACT data reveals, the great majority of Texas AM students placed in the top 25% of all ACT test-takers. The middle 50% of admitted students scored between 25 and 31. This means 25% of admitted students had an ACT score of 25 or lower, and at the top end, 25% had scores of 31 or higher. Requirements Texas AM requires the ACT with Writing. The writing section of the exam is used primarily as a check on the validity of the main application essay. The university will not super-score the exam, so they will use your highest total score from a single test date for admission purposes. Students who take the ACT are not required to take any SAT Subject Tests. GPA Texas AM does not publish GPA data of accepted students, but the self-reported data in the graph below shows us that the great majority of admitted students have high school averages in the B range or higher. 63% of Texas AM students rank in the top 10% of their high school class, and 92% are in the top 25% of their class. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Texas AM Applicants Self-Reported GPA, SAT Score, and ACT Score Data. Data courtesy of Cappex   The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Texas AMs main campus in College Station. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. ​Admissions Chances Texas AM is one of the top Texas colleges and universities, and applicants will need decent grades and test scores to be admitted. In the graph above, green and blue represent accepted students. Its important to realize that theres a lot of red (rejected students) hidden beneath the blue and green in the middle of the graph. Some students with scores and grades that are on target for Texas AM still get rejected. Note also that a number of students were accepted with test scores and grades a bit below the norm. These seeming discrepancies exist because Texas AM has holistic admissions. The admissions officers are considering qualitative as well as quantitative information. Students with exceptional talent (in, for example, athletics or music) will typically receive a closer look even if their numerical measures are a bit below the norm. Like all selective universities, Texas AM is trying to enroll students who will contribute to the campus culture in meaningful ways. Strong application essays, positive letters of recommendation, and interesting extracurricular activities are all important pieces of a successful application. Engineering applicants have an additional essay requirement. Keep in mind that high grades and standardized test scores are not a guarantee of admission. Some students with A averages and SAT/ACT scores that are well above average did not get in. This may seem strange since Texas AM has guaranteed admission for students who graduate in the top 10% of their class. This state policy, however, does have a couple restrictions. For one, students must be in the top 10% of a Texas school, so out-of-state applicants have no admissions guarantees. Also, Top 10% admits must have completed enough college preparatory classes to qualify. Finally, Texas AM recommends (but does not require) that prospective students visit campus, attend a prospective student session, and/or participate in an academic program for visiting students. All of these opportunities allow you to get to know the university, and they help demonstrate your interest in Texas AM. The university also recommends that applicants submit their applications as early as possible (you might want to consider the Early Action option). Sources: Graph from; other data sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and the Texas AM Office of Admissions. admissionfrom the National Center for Educational Statistics

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The United States Involvement Of World War II - 1494 Words

They came, unwarned. On the 7th of December 1941, the Japanese executed a full-fledged attack on Pearl Harbor. They mercilessly created havoc, with attacks that caused the sinking of eighteen American ships, as well as 170 aircrafts. The casualties were dreadful, with 1,177 of those lost lives had been of the crewmen. The very next day, President Roosevelt declared war on Japan, and thus the United States’ involvement of World War II. Americans of every state were absolutely enraged and bent on their will for vengeance against the Asian country. Within the shadows of galvanized America, Robert Oppenheimer had set his infamous Manhattan Project into action. This project was so disclosed that only a limited number of men truly knew of its purpose. The clandestine project held prior securities to the point in which famous scientists had to use codenames in order to visit Los Alamos, even wives were kept in the dark, and only key scientists could bring their wives along with the m. (Source D) This project had been the discreet creation of the Atomic Bombs. Time and time again, this topic had never really dissipated, its controversial who, what and whys prompting generations to debate its palpable purpose. Was the aim really focused for the â€Å"good of all?† Was it for America’s self-preservation and wish to promptly put an end to all of the suffering? Many Americans to this day still believe and argue for the usefulness of the atomic bombings, that the droppings were justified.Show MoreRelated United States Involvement in World War II Essay1511 Words   |  7 PagesThe United State’s direct involvement in World War II officially began as soon as the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Prior to that event, America had been providing arms and equipment to England but stopped short of any direct military confrontation with the Axis. The War in the Pacific was considered Asia’s War and the European War was considered a local conflict. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Effect And Management Of Stroke Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

A shot, antecedently known medically as a cerebrovascular accident ( CVA ) , is the quickly underdeveloped loss of encephalon map ( s ) due to disturbance in the blood supply to the encephalon. This can be due to ischemia ( deficiency of blood flow ) caused by obstruction ( thrombosis, arterial intercalation ) , or a bleeding ( escape of blood ) .As a consequence, the affected country of the encephalon is unable to map, taking to inability to travel one or more limbs on one side of the organic structure, inability to understand or explicate address, or an inability to see one side of the ocular field. We will write a custom essay sample on Effect And Management Of Stroke Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now A shot is a medical exigency and can do lasting neurological harm, complications, and even decease. . A shot is on occasion treated in a infirmary with thrombolysis ( besides known as a â€Å" coagulum fellow † ) . Post-stroke bar may affect the disposal of antiplatelet drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid and dipyridamole control and decrease of high blood pressure, the usage of lipid-lowering medicines, and in selected patients with carotid endarterectomy, the usage of decoagulants. Treatment to retrieve any lost map is stroke rehabilitation, affecting wellness professions such as address and linguistic communication therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Definition The traditional definition of shot, devised by the World Health Organization in the 1970s, is a â€Å" neurological shortage of cerebrovascular cause that persists beyond 24 hours or is interrupted by decease within 24 hours † . Epidemiology Stroke could shortly be the most common cause of decease worldwide.It affects about 700,000 persons each twelvemonth ; about 500,000 are new shots and 200,000 are perennial strokes.The incidence of shot additions exponentially from 30 old ages of age, and etiology varies by age. 95 % of shots occur in people age 45 and older, and two-thirds of shots occur in those over the age of 65 old ages. A individual ‘s hazard of deceasing if he or she does hold a shot besides increases with age. However, stroke can happen at any age, including in foetuss. Family members may hold a familial inclination for shot or portion a life style that contributes to stroke. Higher degrees of Von Willebrand factor are more common amongst people who have had ischaemic shot for the first clip, the lone important familial factor was the individual ‘s blood type. Work forces are 25 % more likely to endure shots than adult females, yet 60 % of deceases from shot occur in women.Some hazard factors for shot apply merely to adult females. Primary among these are gestation, childbearing, climacteric and the intervention thereof ( HRT ) . The prevalence of shot, WHO estimated that in 1990, out of 9.4 million deceases an India 6,19,000 were due to stroke. Etiology Narrowing or complete closing of the vass providing the encephalon by thrombosis or intercalation. Arteritis Collagen vascular diseases-SLE, Polyarteritis Nodosa Bleeding Vertical compaction Arterial cramp Thrombotic shot: In thrombotic stroke a thrombus ( blood coagulum ) normally forms around atherosclerotic plaques. A thrombus itself ( even if non-occluding ) can take to an embolic shot, if the thrombus breaks off, at which point it is called an â€Å" embolus. † Embolic stroke An embolic shot refers to the obstruction of an arteria by an arterial embolus, a travelling atom or dust in the arterial blood stream arising from elsewhere. An embolus is most often a thrombus, but it can besides be a figure of other substances including fat ( e.g. from bone marrow in a broken bone ) , air, malignant neoplastic disease cells or bunchs of bacteriums ( normally from infective endocarditis ) . Venous thrombosis Cerebral venous fistula thrombosis leads to stroke due to locally increased venous force per unit area, which exceeds the force per unit area generated by the arterias. Infarcts are more likely to undergo haemorrhagic transmutation ( leaking of blood into the damaged country ) than other types of ischaemic shot. Intracerebral bleeding It by and large occurs in little arterias or arteriolas and is normally due to high blood pressure, intracranial vascular deformities ( including cavernous angiomas or arteriovenous deformities ) , intellectual amyloid angiopathy, or infarcts into which secondary bleeding has Occurred.Other possible causes are trauma, shed blooding upsets, starchlike angiopathy, illicit drug usage ( e.g. pep pills or cocaine ) . Types of Stroke Strokes can be classified into two major classs: ischaemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic shots are those that are caused by break of the blood supply. Hemorrhagic shots are the 1s which result from rupture of a blood vas or an unnatural vascular construction. About 87 % of shots are caused by ischaemia, and the balance by bleeding. Some bleedings develop inside countries of ischaemia ( â€Å" haemorrhagic transmutation † Ischemic Stroke In an ischaemic shot, blood supply to portion of the encephalon is decreased, taking to disfunction of the encephalon tissue in that country. There are four grounds why this might go on: Thrombosis ( obstructor of a blood vas by a blood coagulum organizing locally ) . Embolism ( obstructor due to an embolus from elsewhere in the organic structure ) . Systemic hypoperfusion ( general lessening in blood supply, e.g. in daze ) . Venous thrombosis. Stroke without an obvious account is termed â€Å" cryptogenic † ( of unknown beginning ) ; this constitutes 30-40 % of all ischaemic shots. Haemorrhagic Stroke Intracranial bleeding is the accretion of blood anyplace within the skull vault. A differentiation is made between intra-axial bleeding ( blood inside the encephalon ) and extra-axial bleeding ( blood inside the skull but outside the encephalon ) . Intra-axial bleeding is due to intraparenchymal bleeding or intraventricular bleeding ( blood in the ventricular system ) . The chief types of extra-axial bleeding are extradural haematoma ( shed blooding between the dura mater and the skull ) , subdural haematoma ( in the subdural infinite ) and subarachnoid bleeding ( between the arachnidian mater and Indian arrowroot mater ) . Most of the haemorrhagic shot syndromes have specific symptoms ( e.g. concern, old caput hurt ) . Signs and symptoms Common Signs of a Stroke: Numbness or failing of the face, arm, or leg, particularly on one side of your organic structure. Trouble seeing in one or both eyes. Trouble walking, giddiness, loss of balance or coordination. Confusion or problem speech production or understanding address. Severe concern with no known cause. Symptoms may include: Stroke symptoms typically start all of a sudden, over seconds to proceedingss, and in most instances do non come on farther. The symptoms depend on the country of the encephalon affected. The more extended the country of encephalon affected, the more maps that are likely to be lost. Most signifiers of shot are non associated with concern, apart from subarachnoid bleeding and intellectual venous thrombosis and on occasion intracerebral bleeding. Simple Test for the Presence of Stroke: If the patient is witting, have him/her stick their lingua out and bespeak them to travel it from left to compensate. If they can non execute this simple undertaking opportunities are they are holding a shot. Hand Grasps: Have the patient catch your custodies and squeezing. Marked difference in the strength between left and right denotes possible shot. The weaker side is the side the shot is happening on. Mouth Droop: If you notice a unquestionably downward sag on either side of the oral cavity besides can be a mark of a cerebrovascular accident is go oning. A simple failing may come on to an inability to travel the arm and leg on one side of the organic structure. Stroke Warning Signs: Harmonizing to ; The American Stroke Association the warning marks of shot are: Sudden numbness or failing of the face, arm or leg, particularly on one side of the organic structure. Sudden confusion, problem speech production or apprehension. Sudden problem seeing in one or both eyes. Sudden problem walking, giddiness, loss of balance or co-ordination. Sudden, terrible concern with no known cause. Pathophysiology: Break of Blood Flow for few proceedingss a† Ã¢â‚¬Å" Complete intellectual circulatory apprehension ( Ischaemia ) a† Ã¢â‚¬Å" Ischaemic cascade – a figure of damaging but reversible events a† Ã¢â‚¬Å" Perturbation of Energy Metabolism due to let go of of extra Neurotransmitters ( glutamate, aspartate ) a† Ã¢â‚¬Å" Inability of encephalon cells to bring forth energy a† Ã¢â‚¬Å" Increased Ca inflow A Ca+ Intracellular phospholipid Stimulates release of azotic oxide A ; cryptokines signifiers Free groups Damages the encephalon cells further Hazard factors Modifiable hazard factors High blood force per unit area and atrial fibrillation. High blood cholesterin degrees Diabetess Cigarette smoke ( active and inactive ) Heavy intoxicant ingestion and drug usage Lack of physical activity Fleshiness Unhealthy diet. Oral preventives Transeunt Ischemic Attacks Non-Modifiable hazard factors Age Race Gender Family History of Stroke Damages and functional disablement due to stroke Disability affects 75 % of shot subsisters plenty to diminish their employability. Stroke can impact patients physically, mentally, emotionally, or a combination of the three disfunctions correspond to countries in the encephalon that have been damaged. Physical disablements that can ensue from shot include: Muscle failing, Numbness, Pressure sores, Pneumonia, Incontinence, Apraxia ( inability to execute erudite motions ) , troubles transporting out day-to-day activities, Appetite loss, Speech loss, vision loss, Pain. If the shot is terrible plenty, or in a certain location such as parts of the brain-stem, coma or decease can ensue. Emotional jobs ensuing from shot can ensue from direct harm to emotional centres in the encephalon or from defeat and trouble accommodating to new restrictions. Post-stroke emotional troubles include anxiousness, panic onslaughts, level affect ( failure to show emotions ) , mania, apathy, and psychosis. Cognitive shortages ensuing from shot include perceptual upsets, address jobs, dementedness, and jobs with attending and memory. A shot sick person may be unaware of his or her ain disablements, a status called anosognosia. In a status called hemispatial disregard, a patient is unable to go to to anything on the side of infinite antonym to the damaged hemisphere. Complications: Inability to take part in activities of day-to-day life Pain Recurrent shots. Emotional troubles Consequence of shot on arm and manus map Stroke is the figure one cause of neurological disablement in many states. About 85 % of patients admitted to hospital for shot present with jobs with their weaponries and custodies. Stroke-related physical damages such as musculus failing, hurting, and spasticity can take to a decrease in the ability to utilize the stroke-affected arm and manus in day-to-day activities. In fact, the turning away of utilizing one ‘s stroke-affected arm is so common, that there is even a name for it â€Å" learned non-use syndrome † . Unfortunately, non utilizing the stroke-affected arm can take to a farther loss in strength, scope of gesture, and all right motor accomplishments. These can so ensue in contractures, hurting and terrible bone loss ( osteoporosis ) . Management Medical direction: Understating residuary defects Hypovolaemic haemodilution Anticoagulants Antiplatelet therapy Antihypertensive drugs Physiotherapy Management: Passive mobilisation Passive neuromuscular facilitation Constraint induced motion therapy Balance preparation Bobath therapy How to cite Effect And Management Of Stroke Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Competitive Procurement of Auditing Services

Question: Discuss about the Competitive Procurement of Auditing Services. Answer: Introduction: The scope of occurring misstatement in case of monetary reports mainly depends on the different types of risks and their levels especially that are related to the non-financial and financial factors of a firm. Therefore, it can be said that accurate process of auditing can help a firm to reduce all the aspects that are related to risks and also to demonstrate the fair and true financial situation and presentation of the business entity (Messier Jr, 2016). However, there are some aspects that the process of auditing cannot control in a proper way. In term of auditing, the risks regarding any omission or error in the fiscal declaration that occurred due to unmanageable features are considered as intrinsic risks (Porter, Simon Hatherly, 2014). These risks generally occur due to high complication in the fiscal declaration and incorporation of financial assumptions. It can be said as per the fiscal declaration of the firm One Tel that in year 2000, the business had executed poorly. Nevertheless, the poor execution of the firm did not affect the monetary condition of the business largely. Moreover, the particular firms balance sheet represents the monetary position of the business in the year 2000 was comparatively superior to prior year. This disparity in the fiscal declarations represents that some intrinsic risk aspects are related to the monetary statements. Intrinsic Risk Aspects at the Level of Fiscal Report The fiscal reports imply the final results of all activities of a business along with fiscal transactions of the firm. Thus, this represents all omissions along with errors that occurred due to different intrinsic risks that are related to the activities of business (Hayes, Wallage Gortemaker, 2014). It has been found that are various aspects that are accountable for raising the level of intrinsic risks. The marketing plan is considered as an intrinsic risk and the statement of cash flow along with profit and loss statement of the firm One Tel represent that the particular firm has failed in generating enough income amount from operating actions that are considered as basic. Intrinsic risks might also occur due to inefficient planning of marketing (DeFond Zhang, 2014). Generally, these plans are structured to attract huge consumers and also to raise the firms profit. On the basis of nature of customer and prediction of future condition of market, marketing plans are structured. Thus, it can be said that effectiveness depends on the correctness of behavioral analysis and prediction of market condition. However, if the business fails to scrutinize the consumers nature accurately, then this might not be effective of prepare an efficient marketing plan. In addition to these, the prediction of the market condition is considered as complicated and it includes different aspects of politica l, social and economic condition. It is impossible to cover all the factors during preparation of marketing plan but in order to prepare an efficient plan, it is mandatory to cover those factors that are closely associated with the product nature and business venture (Furnham Gunter, 2015). Nevertheless, if any mandatory aspect is avoided, then the particular plan is not counted as efficient one. An auditor is not liable for controlling the effectiveness of the marketing plan, thus, the aspects raise the level of intrinsic risks significantly in the fiscal reports. On the other hand, change in the behavioral nature of the clients is also considered as an intrinsic risk that might influence the fiscal declarations. In telecom sector, clients generally change their service providers of network frequently in order to attain profitable offers and schemes. Thus, advertisements campaign and attractive strategies of marketing should be implemented in order to attract more clients by the telecom firms by providing unique offers. However, they face huge disputes regarding retaining the clients for long period of time. As the changes of the behavior and nature of customers in case of telecom industry is very fast, this influences the sales of the firm and alters fiscal results of various monetary time periods (Eilifsen et al., 2013). Moreover, the employees and workers of a firm might also generate intrinsic risks at the level of fiscal reporting. This level of risk is comparatively higher than total numbers of inexperienced and new staffs of a firm. The level of productivity of a firm is relied on the efficient level of the staffs. This level generally depends on the training, dedication and experience of the staffs. It is a common factor that the new employees might not perform high quality of outputs at desired level due to inexperience (Nigrini, 2012). On the other hand, the old or experienced staffs might also fail due to different causes. Thus, the firm should implement new policy regarding employment that might develop negative influence on the staffs. Additionally, staffs require motivation in order to perform well as per the desire of the management. Furthermore, if the firm implements new system or technologies, the skills of the staffs should also be improved by the management. Thus, the employees shou ld provide accurate training program for updating their knowledge and skills in order to serve better service. Determination of Intrinsic Risks Aspects during Assessment of Strategic Risks of Business It has been found that different risk factors have been identified during the assessment of the risks of the business. The different kinds of procedures of risk assessment along with sensitivity analysis, the management of the firm can obtain the various levels of risks that are related to the aspects. It can be said that the other planning of business along with operational planning is considered as one of such aspects. Therefore, the management identifies different risks that are related to the new plans of venture by scrutinizing the plan in detail for other situations (Knapp, 2012). Moreover, the market condition is also considered as another aspect that influences the fiscal reporting of the firm. The firm is able to assess different risks that are related to changes in the future market through the help of accurate analysis and market research. In addition to this, the economic situation of the country also raises the level of risks. The risk is related to global or domestic economy, the change in the cost-effective factors and to analyze the different data of economy periodically. The particular firm might also suffer from changes in the policies of government. Thus, by scrutinizing the changes in the structure of the government along with its declarations from the end of the administration, the firm can achieve the risk features that are related to new policies of the government. Generally, the intrinsic risks occur on the account of activities of the entities, account nature, operational activities and its environment. The features of the management department of a firm and the history of the mistakes are considered as the major factors of the intrinsic risks (Causholli et al., 2013). The errors that influences the fiscal declaration of the business i.e. the risk factors that are related to the accounting equilibrium and the identification of intrinsic risks help in assessing risks. The balance accounts undergo sufferings from different intrinsic risks factors and by assessing these risks it can help the firms auditors and also adds to the raised assessment of risks. The aspects which are counted for balancing accounts are regarded as high volume transactions, which are non-routine in character. It has been found that certain adjustments are made in balances of accounts that are extinct in common routine procedure of the organization. The complicated transactions are made in the accounts of steadiness. Thus, the auditors should assess the involved risks in the process of auditing the balanced account by taking the aspects of intrinsic risks into consideration. It has been found that certain intrinsic risks should be assessed on the basis of the aspects that are related to fiscal reporting as this depicts the outcomes from original protuberance. There are certain fiscal transactions or monetary transactions that are required to be delighted with the complicated calculation and also when the simple calculations are implemented, then it is considered as misstated. The particular firm that is in an unstable monetary condition intends to assemble the agreements which have wider inducement in order to misstate the monetary condition and thus it takes place inherently (Chen, Srinidhi Su, 2014). However, if an organization represents its monetary data and information wrongly or had made any inconsistencies in the accounts of the prior year, then it is inherited likely to the current situation in the similar form. These specified aspects are mainly counted in order to assess the intrinsic risks by the auditor of the firm. The intrinsic risks in the monetary declaration influence the probable results and the operations of the particular venture. During the time period, when the auditors of a firm assess the intrinsic risks, then the aspects that affect the decision and the prejudice of the fiscal declarations are taken into considerations (Rahman, 2014). The particular factors that are counted are the capability and truthfulness of the administration and the beginning interview, which occurred with the management department of the firm. On the basis of the assessment, the auditors of the firm find out if there are any transactions which are considered as unusual with an important outsider or party. Based on the companys history, the estimates regarding meeting of the analysts are considered. For instance, the CFO of a firm was considered liable to engage in fraud-concerning securities. The CFO was engaged in a plan that considered backdating stock option grants. The fraudulent was regarding management integrity. The inappropriateness of fiscal reporting was credited to failure of accountant of the firm for maintaining a proper record regarding accounting. The going concern theory implies that an organization expects to run the operations of its business for indefinite time period and will also not liquidate in near future. An organization that is considered as a company is regarded as the part of the particular theory under statutory guidance. The monetary declaration users generally scrutinize the various statements for measuring the capability of the firm to continue its operations. There are three factors which are scrutinized for measuring spontaneous prospect of the firm; these are solvency, profitability and liquidity. Liquidity of firm helps in determining that the firm is able to cover all its present liabilities or not. It also depicts that the firm has enough working capital for operating the activities of business (Rahman, 2014). However, if the firm does not has enough liquid assets then this might pilot to liquidity insolvency and this might result into discontinuation of activities. The current ratios of the firm One Tel for the year 1999 and 2000 are as follows: Figure 1: Current Ratio (Source: Created by Author) The solvency ratio helps in measuring financial situation of the fir. This also helps in understanding the capital structure of the firm. The solvency of the firm has been measured through Equity ratio, debt ratio and Debt to Equity ratio and this has been calculated for the firm One Tel for the year 1999 and 2000: Figure 2: Solvency Ratio (Source: Created by Author) The profitability ratio indicates the percentage of profit earned by a firm in a particular period of time. This implies that whether the firm has presented efficiently or not and whether it has earned enormous amount of profit or not in a specified period (Cannon Bedard, 2015). For understanding the profitability condition of the firm One Tel for the years 1999 and 2000, Return on equity, return on capital employed and return on assets have been calculated as follows: Figure 3: Profitability Ratio (Source: Created by Author) The above graphs indicate that current ratio of One Tel reduced with the passage of time, though it is more than 1.5 i.e. the industry standard. On the other hand, solvency ratios have increased due to decrease in total liabilities and rise in total equality and assets. However, profitability ratio is a concerned matter as in the year 2000 the firm incurred a huge loss that resulted the return into negative. The cash flow statement implies that One Tel failed to develop adequate cash revenue for meeting the expenses of business operations. Thus, it resulted into shortfall of cash funds and the firm continued its business from additional capital funding and retained earnings by issuance of new stocks. 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